Class KnownFailures

  • public class KnownFailures
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • KnownFailures

        public KnownFailures()
    • Method Detail

      • checkAgainstWhitelist

        public static KnownFailures.Result checkAgainstWhitelist​(StringsTestframework.Result result)
        Check a XMPP Strings Testframeworkresult against the list of known failures (whitelist).
        result - the result of the XMPP Strings Testframework.
        the result of whitelist check.
      • whitelistValidJid

        public static void whitelistValidJid​(XmppStringPrepper xmppStringPrepper,
                                             java.lang.String validJid)
        Whitelist the given valid JID and the used XMPP String prepper.
        xmppStringPrepper - the used XMPP String prepper.
        validJid - the valid JID.
      • whitelistValidJid

        public static void whitelistValidJid​(java.lang.Class<? extends XmppStringprep> xmppStringprepClass,
                                             java.lang.String validJid)
        Whitelist the given valid JID and the used XMPP String prepper.
        xmppStringprepClass - the class of the used XMPP String prepper.
        validJid - the valid JID.
      • whitelistInvalidJid

        public static void whitelistInvalidJid​(XmppStringPrepper xmppStringPrepper,
                                               java.lang.String invalidJid)
        Whitelist the given invalid JID and the used XMPP String prepper.
        xmppStringPrepper - the used XMPP String prepper.
        invalidJid - the invalid JID.
      • whitelistInvalidJid

        public static void whitelistInvalidJid​(java.lang.Class<? extends XmppStringprep> xmppStringprepClass,
                                               java.lang.String invalidJid)
        Whitelist the given invalid JID and the used XMPP String prepper.
        xmppStringprepClass - the class of the used XMPP String prepper.
        invalidJid - the invalid JID.