Package org.jxmpp.jid
package org.jxmpp.jid
Interfaces and classes for XMPP Addresses (JIDs).
InterfacesClassDescriptionAn XMPP address (JID) which has no
.An XMPP address (JID) consisting of the domainpart.An XMPP address (JID) consisting of a domainpart and a resourcepart.An XMPP address (JID) which has noLocalpart
.An XMPP address (JID) consisting of a localpart and a domainpart.An XMPP address (JID) consisting of a localpart, domainpart and resourcepart.An XMPP address (JID) which has aLocalpart
.An XMPP address (JID) which has aResourcepart
.An XMPP address, also known as JID (formerly for "Jabber Identifier"), which acts as globally unique address within the XMPP network.